Friday, March 02, 2007

Kiss a frog.....

Kiss a frog.....
Originally uploaded by rebekahlynn5.
find out what happens in Colorado!!! I posted some new pics...finally! We just got back from Colorado. Donald's brother David is being deployed so he wanted to do one last get together before he left. We had an amazing time! We went intertubing, snowshoeing, snowboarding, and snowmobiling! I was so excited to go snowmobiling becuase my parents used to always go when I was a kid. It was a BLAST!!! We had so much fun! It was a true vacation!! All the boys want to do it again, and now Donald is hooked on snowboarding...another incentive to move to WA!!!

Then we stopped in WA for my mom's wedding (also pics on flickr). It turned out really alarm's and all.

Anyhoo, I better get to work! I love you all!!! Oh, one last thing, Donald is leaving for Maui for a MONTH!! I'm not very excited, but is work is sending please pray for both of us during this time.

1 comment:

The adventure continues... said...

That will be a challange for you and Donald to be apart for so long. Hans moved to WA 3 weeks before me and that was really hard. That's for the pictures. I want more of your mom's wedding though. And what was up with the fire alarm?