Monday, December 12, 2005

To My Family

Yesterday Chaz had some questions he felt God wanted us to pray about. One of the questions was if we were holding on to anything. Were we holding onto our freedom, or comforts that wouldn`t allow us to experıence what God has for us, or to be used by God?
Before I left I knew it was goıng to be a struggle for me to be gone from my family and fiance for so long. Eventhough I`ve been away from my Washington family for so long, I still talk to them at least every week. Not only would I not get to talk to them as much, but I`d also be mısıng Chrıstmas for the fırst tıme! I didn`t want these struggles to be a hındrance while I was here. So, I prepared myself mentally. Where does it say that we can do things on our own? I didn`t take ıt to God.
Since I`ve been here all I could think about was how excited I was to come back home to my fiance. Then, shortly after, I get to go to Washıngton. And all the weddıng plans! I was anxious to get online and then find a phone card.
When Chaz asked this question, and as I prayed about it, I realized that I was letting everything from home consume my thoughts each moment.
I`m here to be used by God and to serve the people here. I cannot effectively do that when my mind is constantly on other things. I feel like God is wanting me to cut myself off. Even though I had told myself that I was going to do that, I hadn`t taken it to God or actually "let go" of home.
So, I`ve decided not to buy a phone card. Not even for Christmas. Aahh, scary! Yes, I know. But for now I think it`s what I need to do. I`ll still check emaıl, but not that often. The most I`ll do is update my blog. But I don`t know how often I`ll even be doing that.
I also feel taht for a couple people, I`ve been your strength. I can`t do that. I`m only human. I don`t mind listening to you or praying for you. But, this is your time to fully rely on God. You won`t feel whole untıl you cry out to God and have HIM be your strenth.
I love you all very much! Please pray for me to have a heart for the people here and to serve them beyond my fullest. It`s so hard when the culture sees you as a piece of man`s property and of having no worth. Please also pray that the people realize that they can have a relationship with God who loves them. That`s so opposite from Islam.
Anyways, I love you all very very much!!!!!


Jenni said...

We'll be praying for you Rebekah. How long are you going to be there in Turkey?

Anonymous said...

I love you and will be praying for you. God will do great things through you. Keep your heart open and He will do the rest. We'll surely miss you but time will go so fast. Nina

Anonymous said...

I'm getting on your blog (and I rarely get on the internet) for the first time in months, and I just cried. It's been a draining couple of weeks, and I've lost focus in the midst of it all. Thank you for putting it all in perspective. I miss you tons, and am praying for you. Can't wait to see you in Feb, and go snowboarding togeth! I love you so much Ray,
Auntie Omi