Thursday, September 08, 2005

Glacier Park

Glacier Park
Originally uploaded by rebekahlynn5.
I've added some new pictures! Yeah! There are some more of Pinehaven and other random things.
By the way, the teaching thing is going ok. I only have two days left with them. Fifth graders are a handful but they're fun too. I sent a kid to the office today. I was proud of myself. It's a lot tougher than you think to send a kid to the office. I can't believe I'm going to YWAM in 5 days! Ahhh, it's crazy!


Anonymous said...

O.K. Rebekah, I just looked at a bunch of pics, (I probably saw some of them before) and I have several comments and a couple of questions: I didn't know Donald went to Montana with the team, You and Donald hug ALOT, You sure are cute, Now the questions: Is Christian Donalds Birthday or brother? Where is Donald's toe ring? (in the foot picture) I sure am proud of you, God Bless You lots during YWAM! You mom says you and what's his name are coming in February, she can hardly wait!! Me neither! I love you lots, Love Aunti Judi

The adventure continues... said...

Keep up the blog Ray! It's good to know what you're up to!